Junior Varsity


Junior Varsity


2003 Match Results

2003 GMC Standings

2003 Awards

Contact Us


What's New With The JV?
The junior varsity are in mid-season. They are scheduled to play at St. Xavier High School this upcoming Saturday, May 3.

Parents' Night Tuesday May 6, 2003.

  Junior Varsity (Left to Right) Row 1: Billy McGuire (10), Alvin Ewar (11), Chris Beatty (11), Mike Schreiber (9), Charlie Sasser (10), Nick Godwin (11)
Row 2: Captain Joey Dupps (10), Matt Lukens (9), Ian Bolling (9), Coach Brad Krupinski, Tyler Conley (10), Jonathan Martens (11), and Christian Petrokowski (10).
(Not pictured) Manager Josh Burgjohann

The 2003 Men's JV Volleyball Team
  Junior Varsity Schedule

Sophomore Captain Joey Dupps
  Coach K talks to the team before the game.